Whose Judging Who & Why You Might Want To Try This On…

Most people desire freedom, freedom from the judgement of their peers, even peers who love them, and freedom from their own judgement.

But rarely do they have someone who can create a space to explore and acknowledge that desire, and if they don’t have the opportunity to meet someone or experience a conversation that creates that opportunity they will keep flowing along as they always have, until they don’t.

It’s like the sensation of losing yourself to the environment you are in, or like becoming for a moment, like those you are near in proximity even though you aren’t so similar in their ways, like floating in the grays; kind of like staying in a relationship with someone even when you know you shouldn’t, even when you know you don’t want to, but can’t quite figure out why.

Most of us stay in relationships with our prejudice for too long, even when we wish we wouldn’t.

But when someone speaks a truth to us, a truth that we already glimmer as so, that person naturally becomes an ally to our own seeking.

When we stop making ourselves wrong for our idiocy of thought, and allow for the ideas to exist as a momentary passing, seeing that we are not our thinking rather we are our being, we free something within ourselves that lets go of the separateness, which allows for an embrace of it all, all of life.

Most people are isolated and alone and terrified of being humiliated, myself included.

They have friends, families, and this and that, but they’re disconnected from themselves and to do anything that might ostracize them from the thin threads of what little they have, is frightening.

So we all grasp.

It’s comforting to know there are others who are free falling into the truth and that dose of camaraderie can be potent.

When I said I’ve had fabulous results, I mean I’ve had fabulous results with failures as successes and successes that are failures and vice versa.

It’s been fabulous because I know my own experience of being compassionate and simultaneously vitriolic, even when I didn’t want to be.

The results are not mine to be attached too.

And I’m not controlling for other’s experiences.

And that frees me to be inappropriate and disliked or loved.

And that frees them to be free to look for themselves.

And that transforms people.

I have so many stories. I could go on for pages to explore the nuances.

If there is a specific question beyond this let me know.


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