(005) The Philosophy That Would Save The World: A Conversation about Rape, Veganism, Murder, & Manipulation of Minds…

In this episode: Consent as a movement to live upon…

You are 9 years old, in a dead sleep, a scream tears through the night, and you find yourself standing next to your 14 year old sister holding her hand before a locked bedroom door.

An eternity or a flash of a moment, it opens…

And there on the other side, your mother with blood dripping down her naked body.

The police arrive, and all you remember is the flash of a crime scene camera echoing off the mirror behind the bed and deep into your eyes, forever lost in memory.

What happened, what happens, what was and what wasn’t, unfolds upon life’s breath.

And this is a touch of that story…

Topics Discussed:

  • Rape and Recovery
  • Childhood Trauma
  • Memories
  • Story & Reification
  • Loss of loved ones
  • Friendship and Betrayal
  • Initiations and Razing
  • Veganism & Consent
  • Why people appear absurd…

An addendum:

Why veganism and the crazy standards non-vegans have…

There’s a complete dissonance in almost all people and by that I mean they are delusional and don’t want to know.

And it’s expected that if you are vegan than you must either be super healthy athletically gifted or frail and weak and a few months away from dying.

It’s curious that in the conversation there often is a misunderstanding that the majority of the population and that is mostly everyone, lacks some form of something in their lives.

I’ve yet to meet anyone in person, who actually lives these ideals perfectly. Yet, for some reason it is not allowed for vegans to be human.

It’s a great way of looking at people, searching for their foibles, for your conceived weaknesses.

As that all makes it easier to ignore looking at your own life, whether you live well or not.

For example, I call this the ice cream argument, this is when someone says, ‘I tried being a vegan but it just didn’t work out for me, I didn’t have any energy, and felt sluggish, as they eat a pint of ice cream, while telling me about some other issue they have with their body now.

This has happened so many times in my life that I find it hyper-absurd, even though I understand what is actually being said.

And that is, “It’s a challenge to be healthy and vibrant, to be fit and lucid.” But that isn’t veganisms fault, it is yours.

Because it’s challenging to be healthy and fit, whether vegan or not.

To living a life of consent,
Emeric Damian





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