On Being The Guardian of Your Story…

A story unfolding…

I prefer to know and discuss your journey, the script was flipped a few months ago, when a former client of mind, Jane Ellen asked to interview me for her Glistening Particle podcast.

It was a pleasure, and I hope you enjoy it as well.

Episode 22: Emeric the mirror

We discussed:

The journey into the radical experience of being alive, of experiencing more of life itself, of the discovery of a dream, of a life to explore, of a masterpiece to create, of being a movement toward an understanding of our existence, a play in the world that gives us the opportunity to express the fullness of our desires, to be free to play and tease out the experience of life as we desire.

You are the guardian of your story, and both of it and in it.

What story would you love to live?

With curiosity,

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