And you are coming into my world and I love you…
So take that as you will and prepare yourself for sharing in the wonder, the mystery, and enthusiastic curiosity that is life.
Sound like fun to you?
Better than sitting alone in a boring reality, don’t you think?
I will tell you more in a minute why this is the best thing you could ever do for yourself.
Wink, wink, wink… Too much flirting?
No such thing…
My love, life is a quest.
And for you to love yourself, for me to love myself, is a journey worth exploring and pathing as I like to say.
It’s true I am eating in this photo, but I just did an hour of morning yoga after surfing the entire day before; it’s totally irrelevant, but I like the photo and a touch of vanity.
And no I can’t quite surf yet!
Do you like semi-colons?
I know that seems irrelevant too, but I use them often and I want to make sure they don’t disturb your sense of grammar.
Well… You know…
And I mean that, “You Know”.
Two very important words to understand and experience.
But for now,
Love you, Emeric Damian
I’d like to share with you a book I’ve created, a book that isn’t quite ready, but worth reading when it is.
I will send it to you for free in PDF form, a short treatise on being, delivered to before July 4th 2018, my day of birth…