Let’s begin with your life shall we?

Ah the set up…

Bondage to societal rules, to the ideas of others, to culture, to society…

To that friggin’ voice inside your head…

The rebellion against you is alive and well.

Yet here you are standing strong and open armed and excited to get everything you want in a world that doesn’t want you to.


There’s one slight problem and we are going to address now.

Is it possible to get what you want, let alone everything?

That is a beautiful question and one that I have no answer for.

That is probably not the answer you want to hear, especially considering I am offering you the universe in all its glory.

But in a world that promises superficial and prescriptive answers, it’s the response you need to hear.

Success… Failure… Achievement… Struggle… Hero Worship… False Idols… Pseudo-Successful-Status Signaling…

And of course the pernicious syndromes I am diagnosing you as having…

The syndrome called, “when this, then that” also known as “when I get this then I will be happy“, or as the great denial goes, “the grass is greener on the other side“.

All of these things, these labels, these ideas touch us because they reflect something within each of us.

But the critical component that people are failing to understand, to experience, and to live by, is that:

  • Life is in movement…
  • Everything is in flux…
  • All things change, always…

Yes, all of it is impermanent and by all of it, I mean all of it.

But how is that relevant to getting everything you want?

This is the number one reason why no one else’s path, no one else’s ‘way’, and certainly no set of ‘how’s’ or ‘7 steps of this or that’, can ever work all the time for anyone. Period!

And I am being generous even allowing for a temporary nod of approval to temporarily follow a set of anything.

Here’s why I am so strong in what I say and why you should be too.

Your wants will change…

Your desires will shift…

Who you were a year ago is no longer who you are today…

And thus, when you have everything you want, the world will show you something else that you will begin to fancy, and then it begins anew.

New challenges, new desires, new experiences, sitting quietly waiting for you to take them on.

There’s another reason that I need to address. To ignore this would be a massive disservice to you.

When things change in your life, when you have more energy, when you feel lighter, excited and interested in life, you will naturally want to explore and experience more of life itself and your wants will shift once again.

It’s easy to see how this plays out in other people…

When people are constantly stressed, worried, and emotionally exhausted the last thing they are going to be excited to do is something different. But it’s something different that they need to do.

We’ve all experienced the ups and down of our moods, emotions, and energy.

At times it’s like two different people sharing one body.

Part of you may celebrate the endless foray into the unknown, while another another part looks at this as another burden to carry.

We need to explore those two points of view next.

But before we do…

Know that often, what you think you want, you don’t, you just believe getting that “thing” will get you what you believe you actually do want.

And that is how crafty and wiggly your own mind can be.


Check in with yourself and acknowledge where you are in your life right now, where your level of enthusiasm rides, where your energy resides.

We are covering a lot, so a deep breath and a bit of an exhalation might be called for.