I never really, truly understood how difficult ‘Wanting’ actually is.
And then I had my first $400 client, and then my first $2500 client, and then my first $10,000 client, and then my first €2,500…
The guilt, the ridicule, the fear and anxiety people feel in their being, to the core, as real for them as a dagger in the back.
Turned and twisted…
They were afraid to truly express their wants and I get it, I understand it, I really do.
I too was derided by family members, friends, and worst of all intimate supposedly ‘loving’ lovers…
But I broke through a long time ago; yet I didn’t realize…
How insidious it is, incessant and innocuous it continues to be for most people, but then again I wasn’t looking…
It’s everywhere and that’s why your wants and desires must be protected with a shield of silent indifference to those who intentionally or otherwise, want to drag you down.
We are going to go to work on that, protecting your way, your truth and strengthening your resolve to your truth.
You see…
It can be confusing for a lot of people.
You know that feeling you have inside like you are doing something wrong, like you shouldn’t be doing what you really want to, because…
Because, you just know, someone out there, someone you love, someone you trust, some voice keeps whispering that they know better than you do.
We are going to silence the voice that lets their voices have any say, on your way, on your path, on your pleasures.
Well we are going to go into that right at the beginning.
And when we are done you will have a completely transformed experience around wanting and creating what it is you want.
I am not making light of this in anyway; if you were here with me in the flesh, you’d hear my semi-serious voice, which is super serious for me. ( there are few things in life worth being serious about. )
But this, I hold dearly because it’s a slow spiritual death otherwise.
We think it’s simple to create what we want. It’s not. People won’t even say what they really want for lunch, given there’s three or more people involved. ( I share a story inside, where I observed this comical unfolding. )
There’s debate about the psychological underpinnings of this might be. It doesn’t matter for us.
We make the ‘underpinning’ a non-issue.
If people struggle to even say what they want, tell me, how will they actually create what it is they truly want?
They won’t and that is a tragedy for a human life.
It is difficult, I know that if you were to share what you wanted, people are going to laugh at you, tell you stupid things, and try to get in your way, worse yet, you are going to be the one saying those very things.
It’s just the way it is…
The sooner we accept it, the faster we can be free of it.